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Daniel Gold
By Daniel Gold
on February 27, 2020
Providing a safe work environment for employees is imperative. According to OSHA, 5,250 workers died on the job in 2018. They report that more than 14 work-related deaths occur every day. Reasons cited fo...
Daniel Gold
By Daniel Gold
on February 18, 2020
About 2 years ago, your business decided to take advantage of your power company’s rebate offer and you replaced all your parking lot lights from High-Pressure Sodium or Metal Halide lights to new, LED light fixtures. Everything was going along smoothly, until you noticed that a couple of your new fixtures have...
Daniel Gold
By Daniel Gold
on January 15, 2020
History – a constant march forward, marked with inventions that significantly altered the trajectory of mankind. From the wheel to the horseless carriage, to rockets that carried men to the moon and back safely – technology changes have led the way of human progress. Few technology advancements in history have brought about faster technology shifts than the LED lightbulb.

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