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Daniel Gold
By Daniel Gold
on September 08, 2020
Businesses in the U.S. spend more than $60 million annually on energy. Big brands and SMBs are looking at this line item for savings. Significant dollars be freed-up for critical expenses -- like talent, market...
Peter Hawksworth
By Peter Hawksworth
on August 20, 2020
Every Owner is Looking for Small Business Savings. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, SMB owners were looking for ways to grow their businesses and reduce expenses. With traffic and sales down in many industries, cutting costs has become even more of an imperative.
Daniel Gold
By Daniel Gold
on July 30, 2020
Your Business After COVID-19 Can Be Greener and Healthier Sustainability has been a top priority for companies in many industries -- retail, restaurants, automobile dealers, stadiums and event venues, and even municipal buildings like schools and prisons.
Daniel Gold
By Daniel Gold
on July 23, 2020
Managing cash flow is more important than ever before. Regardless of the type of business you run, you likely look at your expenses and audit them regularly to ensure your business investments are paying back. Now, more than ever, companies are looking for significant business savings; ways to economize an...
Peter Hawksworth
By Peter Hawksworth
on July 21, 2020
SMBs (small and mid-sized businesses) and industries worldwide are dealing with the realities of the COVID-19 pandemic. It has had a huge impact on consumer behavior and spending, workplace operations, and the economy.
Peter Hawksworth
By Peter Hawksworth
on July 16, 2020
As more businesses upgrade to LED lighting and look for more ways to convert to sustainable energy sources, there are many energy efficient companies leading the way. These energy efficient companies have created initiatives to reduce and offset their carbon emissions, harness sustainable energy sources and empower their customers to do the same.
Daniel Gold
By Daniel Gold
on July 14, 2020
Energy costs are often the largest variable in a small business’s budget. While making a simple swap, like
Daniel Gold
By Daniel Gold
on July 09, 2020
Businesses in the U.S. spend more than $60 billion a year on energy costs. Lighting ...
Peter Hawksworth
By Peter Hawksworth
on July 07, 2020
Adopting sustainable energy solutions is an important way businesses are cutting costs during uncertain times. Many of these sustainable energy solutions are extremely easy for businesses to implement, like making the switch to commercial-grade LED lighting. In fact, so many businesses are swi...
Peter Hawksworth
By Peter Hawksworth
on June 17, 2020
Businesses that switch to LED lighting can save more than 60% on their energy and maintenance costs. This equals tens of thousands of dollars in savings per year for businesses. In addition to lower energy consumption, LED lighting lasts longer...
Peter Hawksworth
By Peter Hawksworth
on April 23, 2020
There is a strong case for the 21st-century business executive to add sustainability to the core of their business strategy. More and more businesses are seeing a positive impact on performance and revenue after applying sustainability-based principles and practices. Yet, executives are still wary of putting sustainability at t...

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